I have a friend that I’ve known since kindergarten. I still remember the day I met him. I also remember that my classmate Andrew introduced us. Andrew and I hit off from the first day I started kindergarten. I didn’t know much English since my family primarily spoke Spanish at home. I was embarrassed to recite the ABC’s in front of class because I was so far behind academically. Andrew was one of the first kids to help me progress in learning English.

Since I was behind, I would have to attend classes after eating lunch. That meant I couldn’t play with the other kids during recess, which was a huge let down by the way. It also motivated me to learn quickly. I would read at home after school every day just to catch up. My work ethic was uncanny, I wonder what happened cause now I struggle to stay focused. All the extra work paid off because I was allowed to participate during recess after a few short months.

I met John the day I was told I could play with the kids during recess. I saw Andrew standing in a weird pose in the middle of the play area. I approached him to ask what he was doing. He didn’t respond. I asked again louder. He still didn’t respond. Rejection started to set in. I was an outcast. I started to panic. I heard a voice yell out “He’s frozen, he can’t talk or move until someone who isn’t frozen tags him!” I didn’t understand what the hell was going on. What I’m about to tell you is confidential and hasn’t been told for over 30 years; Andrew whispered, yes, I know it was a strict violation of the rules but there was no other way to get me to comprehend the madness I was experiencing at the moment. He whispered, “Tag me.”, so I did. He magically unfroze after tagging him. I had magical powers, I never imagined I had magical powers. I could get used to playing in the wonderful world of Recess.

As you can imagine my actions weren’t meant with kindness from the other kids. The kid who was running around freezing the other kids argued on our behalf and said it was fine. Everything went back to normal and I was allowed to keep my unfreezing powers.

After the game Andrew introduced me to the kid freezing everyone. His name was John. He attended a different class taught by a different teacher. After meeting John I began to see him everywhere. He rode the same bus as I did before and after school. Turned out John also lived on the same block as I did. My mother and his mother became very good friends over time. We attended the same events, the same school, the same church. John became one of my Bestest Good Friends. Kuddos if you know what movie the line comes from.

John to this day is still my Bestest Good Friend. He lives 300 miles away from me. We still make time to see each other often. We recently took a trip to South Padre together. My cousins Eddie and Phillip joined us. Even John’s older brother came down to hang out on the beach with us. We had a great time celebrating John’s birthday.

Amidst the celebration I was going through some personal problems. Of course, John knew what I was experiencing in detail. After listening to me for quite some time I ask him what his thoughts were on the situation. He pauses to think as he looks off into the ocean. He turns to me and says “It’s going to be alright Dirtaay.” He said it with such conviction that I believed him. I realized in that moment that he was right. Everything will be alright. Why wouldn’t it be? I’m in control, I’m always in control. Same goes for you. We are in control! In control of our emotions, actions, thoughts, habits, and moments.

See the funny thing is that John has always said that we’re going to be alright, even when we were kids. He has said it the same way every single time “It’s going to be alright Dirtaay.”. It always is. Not sure if he adopted this saying from one that was told before we were born. The saying is “This too shall pass!”. Every time I read it the voice of Gandalf plays in my head.

John’s magical power is one that can make a sad person happy, and a happy person sad. The thought is that whatever you are feeling or going through will pass much like the seasons do. No need to dwell on the moment too much because another moment is going to follow. Then another, and another. If anything, enjoy the process or learn from it. Life is full of moments so don’t take too much time of your life worrying about the one you are in.

John is always Dirtaay. He is one of the most positive people in my life. We are one in the same. He goes out of his way for people, he’s kind, outgoing, a great listener and a better conversationalist. In my circle John goes by a different name. If we ever meet, which I hope we do, I’ll introduce John by the name we call him. We’re curious to know what your superpower is because the world needs people like you to tell others that “It’s going to be alright Dirtaay!”.